

International Organisations with India as Member Country

International Organisations with India as Member Country

India and world 

India has transformed its global image and earned the title of the 'pharmacy of the world' due to its contributions to the pharmaceutical industry. India maintains diplomatic relations with countries worldwide, participates actively in international organizations like the United Nations, QUAD, SCO, and BRICS, engages in negotiations, and contributes to peacekeeping missions. The influential Indian diaspora in North America, Europe, and the Middle East plays a vital role in various fields, promoting Indian culture (Indian cinema, Yoga and meditation, etc), heritage, and economic ties with their adopted countries, enhancing India's soft power. India is 5th largest economy of the world with 2nd highest population. 

International Organisations with India as member

S. No. Organization Full Form Founding Members Role Objectives
1 G20 Group of Twenty 1999 19 countries + EU Promote global growth, financial stability, and sustainable development Facilitate policy coordination, address international financial issues, and foster economic dialogue among member countries
2 BRICS Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa 2006 5 countries Promote economic cooperation, development, and multilateralism Enhance trade and investment cooperation, promote economic growth, foster cultural exchanges, and advocate for reform in global governance institutions
3 UNSC United Nations Security Council 1945 15 countries Maintain international peace and security Prevent conflicts, settle disputes, protect human rights, and promote international security and stability
4 IMF International Monetary Fund 1944 190 countries Promote global monetary cooperation and economic stability Maintain monetary stability, promote economic growth, reduce poverty, and facilitate sustainable development
5 WTO World Trade Organization 1995 164 countries Oversee global trade rules and resolve trade disputes Facilitate trade flows, promote fair trading systems, reduce trade barriers, and ensure a level playing field for all participants
6 IAEA International Atomic Energy Agency 1957 172 countries Promote safe and peaceful uses of nuclear energy Ensure the peaceful use of nuclear energy, promote nuclear safety and security, and provide technical assistance to member countries
7 WHO World Health Organization 1948 194 member countries Direct and coordinate international health efforts Build a better, healthier future by setting norms and standards, providing guidance, and helping countries develop health systems
8 ILO International Labour Organization 1919 187 member states Promote social justice and decent working conditions Promote opportunities for decent and productive work, equity, security, and human dignity
9 ICC International Criminal Court 2002 123 member countries Prosecute individuals for international crimes End impunity for the perpetrators of the most serious crimes of concern to the international community
10 IRENA International Renewable Energy Agency 2009 161 member countries Promote renewable energy adoption and use Support the transition to a sustainable energy future, promote benefits of renewable energy, and foster international cooperation in the field
11 IMO International Maritime Organization 1948 174 member countries Regulate international shipping Ensure safe, secure, and efficient shipping, prevent marine pollution, and promote maritime safety
12 QUAD Quadrilateral Security Dialogue 2007 4 countries (Australia, India, Japan, United States) Enhance strategic cooperation Promote a free, open, inclusive, and rules-based Indo-Pacific region, addressing common challenges, and supporting regional peace and stability
13 SCO Shanghai Cooperation Organization 2001 8 member states Promote regional security and cooperation Enhance cooperation in areas of security, economics, culture, and humanitarian fields among member countries
14 ASEAN Association of Southeast Asian Nations 1967 10 member states Promote economic and political cooperation in Southeast Asia Foster regional peace, stability, and prosperity through cooperation in various areas
15 SAARC South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation 1985 8 member states Promote regional cooperation in South Asia Enhance regional economic cooperation, cultural exchanges, and people-to-people contacts
16 OPEC Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries 1960 13 member countries Coordinate oil production and pricing policies Ensure stable and efficient supply of petroleum to consumers, stabilize oil markets, and secure fair returns for member countries
17 APEC Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation 1989 21 member economies Promote regional economic integration and cooperation Foster sustainable economic growth, free and open trade, and investment in the Asia-Pacific region
18 Commonwealth The Commonwealth of Nations 1931 54 member countries Promote democracy, human rights, and development Foster international cooperation, support member countries, and promote common values and goals
19 NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organization 1949 30 member countries Ensure collective defense and security in Europe and North America Promote democratic values, cooperation, and security among member countries
20 OIC Organization of Islamic Cooperation 1969 57 member countries Promote solidarity among Muslim nations Safeguard and protect the interests of the Muslim world, foster cooperation, and promote peace and harmony
21 BIMSTEC Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multi-Sectoral Technical and Economic Cooperation 1997 7 member states Promote regional cooperation in the Bay of Bengal region Enhance trade, investment, and connectivity, and foster collaboration in various sectors
22 SCO Shanghai Cooperation Organization 2001 8 member states Promote regional security and cooperation Enhance cooperation in areas of security, economics, culture, and humanitarian fields among member countries
23 AU African Union 2002 55 member countries Promote African unity and development Advance African integration, peace, security, and socio-economic development
24 ICAO International Civil Aviation Organization 1947 193 member countries Promote the safe and orderly development of international civil aviation
25 IMSO International Mobile Satellite Organization 1979 98 member countries Manage the public satellite safety and security communication services
26 IOC Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission 1960 150 member countries Promote international cooperation in marine research and services
27 IPEEC International Partnership for Energy Efficiency Cooperation 2009 18 member countries Promote international cooperation on energy efficiency
28 ITSO International Telecommunications Satellite Organization 1964 149 member countries Manage the public satellite communications services
29 ITU International Telecommunication Union 1865 193 member countries Coordinate international telecommunications standards and policies
30 OPCW Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons 1997 193 member countries Ensure the destruction of chemical weapons and promote the peaceful use of chemistry
31 SACEP South Asia Cooperative Environment Programme 1982 8 member countries Promote regional cooperation on environmental issues

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